Monday, October 12, 2009

Cafe world : infinite stove and counter

  • firefox
  • cheat engine 5.5 (download link can be found in 'Useful Downloads')
  1. Go into Cafe World. Select firefox as process for CE5.5
  2. Go to Customize > Functional > Stoves
  3. You should see the line '4 of 4 stoves used' (if all the stoves are in your cafe now)
  4. Scan the '4'
  5. Drag 1 stove from the cafe down into the shop
  6. You should now see the line '3 of 4 stoves used'
  7. NEXT SCAN '3'
  8. Repeat steps 5 and 6 till you have 1-3 addresses left.
  9. Now change the value of all the remaining addresses to '1' and TICK freeze
  10. You can now have infinite stoves
  11. Have fun coz it can be SAVED! Do the same for counters.

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